Ancient Egypt class!

Hello families,

This month we have been working our class name. We have watched videos about Ancient Egypt, we have played games (find the picture, animal sound and show and tell) and we have sang a song about the animals living along the river Nile: the hippo, the crocodile, the frog and the cobra.

Enjoy our videos!

Categories I5

Snakes class! P5

Hello families,

This month we have been working our class name. We have watched videos about snakes, we have played games and we have sang a song about snakes: “Let’s go to the zoo”(watch slither like snakes part).

Enjoy our videos!

Categories I5

A la classe de les Serps hem tingut una visita molt especial!

Dijous passat ens va visitar en Cristian García. En Cristian en sap molt, de serps, i li agraden des que era molt petit. A casa seva té 5 serps i avui ens n’ha portat dues: una Pitó Bola i una Falsa Corall.

Hem pogut fer-li moltes preguntes i ens ha explicat moltes coses. La Pitó Bola l’hem pogut tocar i tot! La Falsa Corall no, estava una mica nerviosa.

Ens visita un expert en l’Antic Egipte: l’Àngel Pedemonte

A la classe de P5B estem fent un projecte sobre l’Antic Egipte. A mesura que anem avançant en el tema cada vegada ens fem més preguntes.

La Vinyet va animar al seu avi, l’Àngel Pedemonte, a venir a l’escola i li estem molt agraïts ja que, com a expert en l’Antic Egipte, ens ha resolt molts dubtes que teníem. Fins i tot hem practicat en fer mòmies. Sabeu qui ha estat la voluntària per fer de mòmia? La Mònica la mare de la Vinyet.

Moltes gràcies Àngel i Mònica!

Celebrating Halloween with Snakes and Ancient Egypt classes!

Hello families,

Halloween it’s a magical time of the year for children. This year we have celebrated the trick-or-treating tradition: children in costumes travel from house to house asking for treats such as candy with the phrase “Knock knock, trick or treat?”.

We want to share with you our trick-or-treating show and invite to guess the characters appeared on it, such as the witch, the monster, the ballerina,…

Enjoy the videos that we have used these funny and scary days! Happy Halloween!!

Categories I5

Saint George legend! Trains and Robots

Hello families,

We started the third term with Saint George legend. We also wanted to be actors and actresses in our English classes.

Enjoy the performance!

Categories I5

Hem anat de colònies a Mas Banyeres!

Els nens i nens de P5 hem anat de colònies a Mas Banyeres. Ens ho hem passa molt bé: Hem fet un circuit de bosc vertical, hem fet d’exploradors, hem begut aigua de colors i hem dormit tots junts!

Hem descobert moltes coses i hem pogut conviure plegats. Aquí teniu algunes de les fotos que ens hem fet.

Categories I5

Easter: Time for an egg hunt!! Robots and trains

Hello families,

As you know, Easter holidays are coming soon, and this month we have been discovering different things about Easter! We have learnt that the Easter bunny hides the eggs in the garden and the children go on an egg hunt to find them.

Also, we have played funny games, such as “where is the Easter egg?” that consists in looking for the Easter egg that one classmate hides; and we have learnt a song “Time for an egg hunt”. Finally, we went on an egg hunt!!

Categories I5